LMS Web Application Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. User Roles

  3. Technologies Used

  4. Design Approach

  5. Database Structure Overview

  6. UI Overview

  1. Introduction

    The LMS (Learning Management System) Web Application is designed to provide various functionalities to different users based on their roles. The application is developed using a combination of PHP, HTML, CSS (Bootstrap 5), JavaScript, Ajax, MySQL, Git, and GitHub. The application allows users to log in as admin, teacher, student, or academic officer, each with their own set of features and interfaces.

  2. User Roles


    The admin role has access to the admin panel, which enables them to manage users, courses, and other administrative tasks.


    Teachers can log in and access the teacher panel, where they can manage course content, assignments, and interact with students.


    Students can log in and access the student panel, which provides access to course materials, assignments, and communication with teachers.

    Academic Officer

    The academic officer has a specialized panel for managing academic-related tasks, such as course scheduling, enrollment, and generating reports.

  3. Technologies Used

    The application is built using the following technologies:

  4. Design Approach

    The application's design is centered around the integration of HTML and CSS for structuring and styling web pages. Bootstrap 5 is used to enhance the visual design and responsiveness of the application. The backend logic is developed using PHP, enabling dynamic content

    generation. JavaScript and Ajax are employed for seamless communication between the frontend and backend, enabling real-time interactions.

    By following this outline, you can create a simple and organized documentation for your LMS Web Application. Be sure to add detailed descriptions, screenshots, and code snippets to explain each section thoroughly. Good luck with your project!

  5. Database Structure Overview


  1. Users

    - Columns: user_id, username, password, role_id, full_name, email, created_at

  2. Roles

    - Columns: role_id, role_name

  3. Courses

    - Columns: course_id, course_name, course_description, teacher_id

  4. Students

    - Columns: student_id, user_id, enrollment_date

  5. Teachers

    - Columns: teacher_id, user_id

  6. Notes

    - Columns: note_id, user_id, content, created_at

  7. LeaveRequests

    - Columns: request_id, student_id, reason, status, created_at

  8. Notices

- Columns: notice_id, title, content, user_id, created_at


Example Queries

  1. **Retrieve Courses and Associated Teacher's Name:**


    SELECT c.course_name, t.user_id, u.full_name AS teacher_name FROM courses c

    INNER JOIN teachers t ON c.teacher_id = t.teacher_id INNER JOIN users u ON t.user_id = u.user_id;


  2. **Retrieve Leave Requests with Student Details:**


    SELECT r.request_id, s.student_id, u.full_name AS student_name, r.reason, r.status FROM leave_requests r

    INNER JOIN students s ON r.student_id = s.student_id INNER JOIN users u ON s.user_id = u.user_id;


  3. **Retrieve Teacher's Notes:**


SELECT n.note_id, u.full_name AS teacher_name, n.content, n.created_at FROM notes n

INNER JOIN users u ON n.user_id = u.user_id WHERE u.role_id = 'teacher_role_id';


6. UI Overview

Main Dashboard

After successful login, users are directed to a dashboard that provides an overview of their roles and tasks.


Login Page

Users are greeted with a login page where they can enter their credentials to access the application based on their role.

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Admin Panel

The admin panel includes functionalities such as user management, course management, and administrative settings.

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View profile


Edit profile.

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Change password

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Subcategories implemented in Admin Panel



A screen shot of a student management form  Description automatically generated





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A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Notice board

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A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

check results.

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A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Leave request

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Teacher Panel

The teacher panel allows teachers to manage course content, assignments, and interact with students through announcements and discussions.

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View Profile

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

View Student's Profile

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Add Assignment

A person pointing at a screen  Description automatically generated

Add Lesson Notes

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

View Answer Sheets

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Download Answer Sheets

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Student Notices


View Public Notices

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Student Marks

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Student Leave Request

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Reset Password

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


Student Panel

The student panel provides students with access to course materials, assignment submissions, grades, and communication with teachers.


A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

View Profile

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Teachers Details

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Download Assignment

A person sitting on a chair  Description automatically generated

Upload Answers

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Class Timetable

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Teacher's Notice

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

School Notices

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Your Results

A person sitting on a blue arrow pointing up  Description automatically generated

Request for leave

A screenshot of a computer screen  Description automatically generated

Course Details

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Change Password

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


Academic Officer Panel

The academic officer panel offers tools for managing academic tasks, including course scheduling, enrollment management, and report generation.


A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

View Profile

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Edit Profile

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Change Password

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated


A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated

A screen shot of a computer  Description automatically generated